Archivi tag: edm

LIVE @ AGRIPUNK COWpodanno 2018 Benefit Gig

This is a raw extract of TECHNOTERRA SOUNDSYSTEM 5 hours long DJ set to cover few kinds of electronic dance music, a sort of entry level type of musical journey put together and presented to a crowd unused to appreciate such sonorities.
Benefit night revealed to be a success beyond any expectations, everyone had a good time and we all had fun celebrating our oneness with the many non-human friends whom have found a safe haven and a shelter in this extraordinary place.
If you wish to know more on AGRIPUNK and on the philosophy of those activists whom struggle and work daily and selflessly so to provide for liberated farming animals please do follow the link :…
and find a brief text in english right at the bottom of our blog which is quite exhaustive on the project.

Thanks for your support and for the sharing

Technoterra’s right shoulder tattoo speaks louder than words

I <3 Web Radio

Worldwide known web radio station, it has been broadcasting for nearly two decades and it is currently managing to “stay” on air at one of the most challenging times for such type of web ventures.

ahDJsOver the last years the Internet has turned itself into a magnificent and unique hub for music lovers, all kind of resources are available, for free. Artist and producers, as well as performers and DJ’s are in the position of uploading and making their contents available worldwide.

In a era of such global ease in accessing, communicating and exchanging digitally within the realms of the World Wide Web, many world over users still appreciate some of the ‘Net most “old school” and respected mode of doing just that : in 2017 Web Radio  operations remains a joy, for all of those involved.

Here literally hundreds of dj sets originally broadcasted by the station, they are downloadable and shareable … Here to reach the station’s main page … for those out there who prefer listening to their tunes on the go, an appropriate, nice and easy to use free mobile device application is available for download at this Google Play page … Here the station’s Facebook public group, one may want to join in  or put a “like” on the official FB page even though, as I speak, same appears to be rather “unkempt”

Check out the station’s stream right now!

 image AHDJS