Archivi categoria: djing

DJ Selecta & Eternity Magazine ( UK )

At Last! After many years of searching I managed to get hold of this little gem of a mix.

This is from when Technoterra lived in the U.K. as an economic/hedonistic expat – having it large with pirate radio CHILLIN’FM 102.9 in London in the free early party scene as well as playing at many ordinary large and small venues mainly in the East side of town.

THANKS to OlD sKoOl RaVeRs UnItE! for uploading this!

This release came out as Volume 8, in a series of Limited Edition cassette DJ mixes along with ETERNITY Magazine – I believe – in 1995.

Great Acid Old Skool Techno.

Put simply : I am elated.

Courtesy of Mixcloud

Technoterra Mixtape Archive 1997/2001

Lost tapes brought back to life via digital conversion.

The analogical sound of vinyl before the advent of the array of new DJ technology innovations that almost made the human element at the control irrelevant. Not a matter of being sentimental here, but hey, how motivated were we?

Go hunting for the right records
spend some long hours crawling along the dustiest basements
flick through stacks upon stacks of vinyl
now go home and check your tunes out
fire up your equipment
drop your 1210's needles onto them groves......

Do some work beat matching, get physical on and around that mixer, flex and sway your limbs, be quick , be precise, work that body around so to get in the flow by building track upon track THAT perfect blend.

Here to follow a few LINKS to lead up to TECHNOTERRA’s own EDEEJAY profile where some of those lost moments ( having got recaptured and digitalised ) can, once again, be enjoyed, shared and danced to.

Technoterras’ Techno & Acid Archive recording #01
Old Skool Techno Vinyl blend – 21 November 2001.

Up North…

TT man new image new 2014

An eclectic effort into blending quality House music with mild Acid Techno at 130 BPM, once again electronic dance music reveals itself as One, these tracks all sit onto each other in an effortless, gracious manner, you hear a groove, you pick up a melody you drop a bass line into the mix, the drumming does never get too serious here, the sonic digital, yet organic, hot magma flows and makes sense for any pleasure seeker individual within such vibrational field.

This is a live un-edited Web Radio Broadcast, first aired on on Saturday July the 14th 2018.


The following producers are responsible for the music, in no particular order: 

16 bits lolitas, chymera, dave angel, barry jamieson, dave seaman, ejm project, harvey mckay, electric rescue, jody wisternoff, affkt, guy j, john digweed, edu imbernon, king unique, lank, amorph, mark knight, nathan cable, nic fanciulli, miguel bastida, metro area, paul thomas, pan pot, ramon tapia, robert babicz, sebrok, rulers of the deep, sonic infusion, naval, koljah, main element. future shock, laurent garnier, and many more.

By the way….

Technoterra Soundsystem moves up north soon, the intent that of trying and to get a better view on all matters of concern.

Although none of us ever asked for that we happen to be born, we get a chance to grow up, we  struggle to come to terms with our condition, we try to fit in the cogs of the environment that hosts us.

We tire of being who we are where we are, we can’t stand some of the types that enter our lives,  we sulk, we work hard, we think … we move on, sometimes we return.

Technoterra moves up north and embrace change.

You all be safe, true to yourselves and sound.

…a journey into Electronic Dance Music…

IMG_20180214_133535Beware Happy tracks in here span from all across the Electronic Dance Music spectrum, when i am out and want to hear a groove I like it best to vary in style, in the tempo and in the moods that it elicits too, if the kick drum, the bass line and the general texture of the sound offerings make me feel good, well that’s all I wish for myself in that particular moment. Same goes with DJ mixes I suppose, hence, such sequence came about. Recorded live on Web Radio ( AHDJS ), on a Saturday afternoon

ALL Time PUNK & HEAVY classics vol.1

sandy fist

Wow…il risveglio alle bellezze nascoste nella sterminata collezione di vinili del sottoscritto continua, continua grazie a tutta una serie di eventi che stanno spostando il baricentro delle mie azioni su versanti diversi da quelli entro i quali mi sono misurato e ( principalmente ) scontrato negli ultimi tempi.

Ecco allora che si realizza in studio una sequenza tutta chitarroni e pesantemente influenzata da sonorità classiche e care; qui si sentono classici e si ascoltano le parole di band come The Nuns, Adolescents, Nirvana, True Sound Of Liberty, The Zero BoysDag NastyHenry Rollins, Bad Brains, Rikk Agnew, ma anche di mostri sacri quali Cro-Mags, Motörhead, Slayer, charged GBH e Suicidal Tendencies.

Se conosci ” questa roba ” magari non l’avrai sentita da qualche anno, o forse te ne eri dimenticat* … il fatto è che suona ancora da paura, ti fa saltare da matti e ti fa PENSARE.

Trovo i contenuti delle liriche davvero coinvolgenti e autenticamente sentiti a livello emotivo da chi li esprimeva in maniera così ruvida e diretta trenta e passa anni fa’.

Non si tratta di nostalgia, mi piace pensare di essere tipo ben ancorato nel momento presente, quel che e’ stato  ( fortunatamente ) non ritorna, che non ci si illuda … chi c’era c’era … e molti di “noi” non ci sono più … scomparsi, smarriti, invischiati dalla vita, imborghesiti, rimbambiti … ma il materiale musicale presentato qui, vi assicuro,  è quanto di meglio ( tenendo conto che il mix in oggetto offre soltanto cinquanta minuti di musica ) l’ondata punk, hardcore, crossover heavy ebbe da produrre tra la fine degli anni settanta a quella degli anni ottanta.

Per il resto, fate voi.


A DJ blend constructed by carefully choosing tracks from my huge vinyl collection.
Here you will hear songs by The Nuns, Adolescents, Rikk Agnew, Nirvana, TSOL, Dag Nasty, Henry Rollins, Bad Brains, The Zero Boys as well as some heavy sacred monsters such as Cro-Mags, Motörhead, Slayer, charged GBH and Suicidal Tendencies.

These are all records that made me and a score of others “move” back in the day. Novelty is…they still do!!

3 Febbraio 2018 : oh jeez! Its tek-PUNKy time!

punky timesAGRI…che?? segui il LINK e scopri un mondo 😉

only speak English? Check this out and get in the know by scrolling the blog down to the required section

Sostieni il progetto  AGRIPUNK con una donazione QUI 


FB event here // evento FB qui

LIVE @ AGRIPUNK COWpodanno 2018 Benefit Gig

This is a raw extract of TECHNOTERRA SOUNDSYSTEM 5 hours long DJ set to cover few kinds of electronic dance music, a sort of entry level type of musical journey put together and presented to a crowd unused to appreciate such sonorities.
Benefit night revealed to be a success beyond any expectations, everyone had a good time and we all had fun celebrating our oneness with the many non-human friends whom have found a safe haven and a shelter in this extraordinary place.
If you wish to know more on AGRIPUNK and on the philosophy of those activists whom struggle and work daily and selflessly so to provide for liberated farming animals please do follow the link :…
and find a brief text in english right at the bottom of our blog which is quite exhaustive on the project.

Thanks for your support and for the sharing

Technoterra’s right shoulder tattoo speaks louder than words

WitchTEK 2017 ( South Central region -ITA ) F.R.E.E. party

This is an edited version of the live mix played at the Sulmona’s FREE tek event held at the end of October 2017.


Party was extremely well attended and run without major hiccups.

There is a large movement of sound systems in Italy which are networking towards setting up parties in a free manner, empty warehouses get occupied temporarily, pieces of land in the countryside grabbed and made into citadels of illegality for a night or two.

Unfortunately there’s a lot of prejudice around this type of direct action originated, self made social events; newscasters tend to demonise such practices and to instigate the police so to intervene, to stop proceedings and to confiscate equipment.

Normally events such as these end up as intended without causing any harm nor damages to anyone, other times due to police action and/or gang infiltrations we may witness some very despicable occurrences which they all but reinforce the bad notoriety surrounding the free tekno scene in this country.

end of party
Sun is shining! Time to deal with our tired souls and with a more contingent kind of need: disassembling tons of equipment and it made it back home safely. Cool innit??

On a more personal level, what I enjoy the most in this kind of things is the fact that no money change hands in order for ALL to participate and to have fun, free music for all…thats what i like the most.

Also, the grade of determination with which everyone involved into organising these parties manage to resolve the most difficult, intricate situations acts as a potent impulse into investing, in a major renewed way, in terms of energy and in terms of reciprocal trust/respect, into creating reliable relations, into the desire of meeting new people, into the act of growing to a more informed, competent persons so as to continue in setting up pace towards my own goals , both on the creative, the ethical and on the political spectrum too.

Long live FREE TEKNO PARTIES then … as … LOVE being the sole message ❤

there’s always a lot of work that need doing the whole time: finding a suitable location, securing the location, organising the Bar, making everything to work finely on the technical side, mounting/un-mounting equipment, playing your DJ set/live P.A., managing NOT to get arrested!!! but hey…you know what? IT  DOES always WORTH MY WHILE!


Dalle Stalle alle Stelle 31 Dicembre 2017 BENEFIT per AGRIpunk


AgriPunk e’ un gruppo nato con lo scopo di far chiudere un allevamento intensivo di tacchini.
Dopo esserci riusciti, ci siamo mobilitati per impedirne la riapertura.
Per trasformare il tutto in rifugio per animali umani e non, senza distinzione alcuna, ed azienda agricola informale

AgriPunk è un rifugio per animali di qualunque specie nato quindi dalla riconversione di ex allevamento intensivo.

AgriPunk Onlus è un’associazione senza scopo di lucro per la tutela e la salvaguardia della natura e dell’ambiente.
Nostro scopo è dare soccorso ad animali al di là di qualsiasi definizione prestabilita e dar loro la possibilità di vivere come meglio scelgono di farlo,bonificare l’area del Podere dall’inquinamento perpretrato in tutti questi anni, tutelare il bosco, i corsi d’acqua e le sorgenti, proteggere e dare rifugio ad animali selvatici avendo creato un’area libera dalla caccia, restaurare gli stabili interni al Podere creando una “comunità” che vive in maniera il più possibile sostenibile, cercando di aiutare persone in difficoltà, realizzando un’agricoltura sostenibile-biodinamica-sinergica-selvatica, recuperando sementi e piante antiche e tradizionali, creando laboratori di artigianato.

Their YouTube channel
Their Blog 

Direct Land Line info : Call 055 996946


If you wish to lend a hand to the sustainability of AgriPUNK and unable to attend the event of the 31st of December you can still help with a donation // Se desideri contribuire al progetto AGRIpunk e non puoi partecipare all’evento del 31 Dicembre ecco come fare :

Per donazioni // Donations to support the Project
Conto Banca Etica n°216509
Intestatario Agripunk Onlus
IBAN IT47 C050 1802 8000 0000 0216 509
Causale: erogazione liberale

AgriPunk is a group of people that got together in 2013 so to make  an intensive turkey’s farm to shut down ….. and to remain SHUT.

After succeeding in the project the group managed to turn the area into a sanctuary capable to accommodate, without any distinction, all animals that needed shelter, human animals included, the latter began to work the grounds around the area with the aim of founding an agricultural firm of an informal kind.

The group turned into a Charity and committed themselves, through they action, to the tutelage of Nature and the Environment.

They continue to be involved with the project of providing a safe heaven to all animals irrespectively to the “category” they are supposed to belong according to human institutions.

In their scale of priority the tutelage of the land, the rivers, the woods, the springs and the whole natural territory  that surrounds the oasi’s location so to facilitate and expand their capability let alone to provide for their new guests but also to create the conditions for their inter-specific community to sustain themselves producing food in a  biodynamic mode of working the land in a synergic type of engagement with all the natural processes that, by default, regulate a sane environment.

Other areas of interest for the group lays in and around the acts of enhancing craftsmanship, of providing shelter and opportunities for people who find themselves in difficulty, of promoting  traditional, clean agricultural methods  for planting seeds and producing food.

The ( house ) miX : bass Selective 2017


A Photo Album portraying some of the animals there