Archivi categoria: Festivals e Feste

Vegan Circus Fest 2019

Vegan Circus Fest volume 3, il circo mette le tende e inaugura il rifugio ” I Ribelli della Montagna
La festa avrà inizio il 17 giugno 2019 e si concluderà il 23 giugno 2019.

Vegan Circus Fest chapter 3 will set up tents and opening up the sanctuary ” I Ribelli della Montagna”.

The Festival will take place from the 17th of June to end on the 23rd.

Attivismo Liberazione Conoscenza

Programma provvisorio:
I primi 4 giorni (dal 17 al 20 giugno) saranno dedicati ad attività di laboratorio, costruzione di un forno in terra cruda, realizzazione di un’aiuola a forma di spirale, eseguita con metodo sinergico, attività agricole, relatori di Forest Gardening e permacultura

Draft Programme:

On the first 4 days there will be workshops around the construction of a earth furnace, a spiral flower bed and other activities pertaining agricultural skills, Forest Gardening and permaculture.

21 Giugno: Celebrazione del solstizio d’estate
Introduzione all’agricoltura naturale e ai principi della permacultura, relazione sulla canapa, convegno di medicina naturale, a seguire cena vegan con dj-set,l’antico sapere delle streghe, assemblea aperta attorno al fuoco.

On the 21st of June as the Summer Solstice began there will be an introduction to permaculture principles, focus groups on subjects such as Hemp and natural medicine with a DJ set and a Vegan feast to follow around fires.

22 Giugno: Inaugurazione del rifugio “I Ribelli della Montagna”, visita agli animali e ai loro spazi.Assemblea aperta. Piero Liberati: I rifugi animali. Adriano Fragano:”Disobbedienza vegana. Ovvero il veganismo come potrebbe essere” presentazione del libro con l’autore Adriano Fragano. A seguire cena vegan con dj-set, concerto.

On the 22nd a guided visit to introduce the animals guests at the sanctuary and their living spaces to be appreciated. Also an Open Assembly will set the pace to be followed by a talk by Piero Liberati on what Animal Sanctuaries are about. The evening shall continue with a book presentation by author Adriano Fragano on Civil Disobedience, more Vegan food and music with both live and DJing performances.

23 giugno: Arti resistenti, spettacoli di giocoleria, aula musicale “una canzone per la terra”, open mic, esibizione di Wu Shu e Tai Chi Chaj, giochi di una volta, canti popolari.

On the 23rd juggling performances will be enjoyed as well as a set of open microphone interventions alongside other musical performing artists, Wu Shu e Tai Chi Chaj, also a set of popular old time games explained and folk songs to be shared

Falò tutte le sere, cibo vegan, campeggio libero, installazioni, proiezioni , mercatino del riuso e dei prodotti agricoli, stelle e lucciole.

Every night bonfires shall be lit, vegan food served, free camping offered, art installations exhibited, recycling items being made available and agricultural products being put up for sale.

Programma definitivo

La festa si terrà c/o l’azienda agricola “Il Salice Rosso” in via Dradino 340, Zocca, Modena

FESTIVAL LOCATION : Azienda agricola “Il Salice Rosso” Via Dradino 340, Zocca, Modena


3 Febbraio 2018 : oh jeez! Its tek-PUNKy time!

punky timesAGRI…che?? segui il LINK e scopri un mondo 😉

only speak English? Check this out and get in the know by scrolling the blog down to the required section

Sostieni il progetto  AGRIPUNK con una donazione QUI 


FB event here // evento FB qui

WitchTEK 2017 ( South Central region -ITA ) F.R.E.E. party

This is an edited version of the live mix played at the Sulmona’s FREE tek event held at the end of October 2017.


Party was extremely well attended and run without major hiccups.

There is a large movement of sound systems in Italy which are networking towards setting up parties in a free manner, empty warehouses get occupied temporarily, pieces of land in the countryside grabbed and made into citadels of illegality for a night or two.

Unfortunately there’s a lot of prejudice around this type of direct action originated, self made social events; newscasters tend to demonise such practices and to instigate the police so to intervene, to stop proceedings and to confiscate equipment.

Normally events such as these end up as intended without causing any harm nor damages to anyone, other times due to police action and/or gang infiltrations we may witness some very despicable occurrences which they all but reinforce the bad notoriety surrounding the free tekno scene in this country.

end of party
Sun is shining! Time to deal with our tired souls and with a more contingent kind of need: disassembling tons of equipment and it made it back home safely. Cool innit??

On a more personal level, what I enjoy the most in this kind of things is the fact that no money change hands in order for ALL to participate and to have fun, free music for all…thats what i like the most.

Also, the grade of determination with which everyone involved into organising these parties manage to resolve the most difficult, intricate situations acts as a potent impulse into investing, in a major renewed way, in terms of energy and in terms of reciprocal trust/respect, into creating reliable relations, into the desire of meeting new people, into the act of growing to a more informed, competent persons so as to continue in setting up pace towards my own goals , both on the creative, the ethical and on the political spectrum too.

Long live FREE TEKNO PARTIES then … as … LOVE being the sole message ❤

there’s always a lot of work that need doing the whole time: finding a suitable location, securing the location, organising the Bar, making everything to work finely on the technical side, mounting/un-mounting equipment, playing your DJ set/live P.A., managing NOT to get arrested!!! but hey…you know what? IT  DOES always WORTH MY WHILE!


Web Tek Event. Italia Centrale Oct.2017

Royston Blake Vs The DubWaiser


Dal vivo TECHNOTERRA SOUNDSYSTEM resident RoystoN BlakE ( EDM a 360 gradi ) passa il testimone sonoro al DUBWAISER ( tekno, raggatek ) and his very own DUBTOWN SOUNDSYSTEM raggaTEK offers

-over one hour and a half of free partying A C T I O N ! ! Roccastrada, Grosseto, Italy.

follow us ::
and/or find our mixes on line on a variety of portals, including’ the best of them all ever, a real DJ Social Network, revamped and relaunched

– check our weekly mon/wed/fri WEB radio show here : -on at 2PM EST // 8PM CET

and/or DownloaD the APP for the station on Android powered handle devices….
so to listen on the fly as one pleases a “few bars” of electronic dance music…of the U
ndergrounD type Smile E.N.J.O.Y the blends, live raw its direct Happy

As some pretty weird characters dwell in and around our floors, at circa 48 minutes into the session an incredibly drunk girl pushed me off the console and decided to throw in a few loops, improvising the whole thing by the end result! The whole thing sounds disconnected to us, but,as we are fond of maintaining authenticity and variety in human behaviour we decided not to edit those attempts by Gaia ( yes, thats the young raver name ) off the miX. It does sound like you’re in there with us. Thanks for your support if u like it Hard, if you enjoy the techno Happy

Digital Roots, Dubtown Soundsystem etc.

State tornando dal mare come tutte le domeniche, in balia di vento, onde, sole e acqua salata, distrutti dalla settimana ed in procinto di cominciarne una nuova, chi a lavoro, chi a giro.
Quale sarebbe l’unica cosa che vi farebbe essere almeno un pò felici nonostante la domenica stia per terminare?

AMICI MIEI VOL.1 porta a Civitella indie, rock, metal, reggae, dub, pop, punk accompagnato da ottimi cocktail, cibo, la ormai nota simpatia dei biscazzieri, e tanta voglia di ricominciare la settimana.


Montelaterone Tek 2017 ( formerly known Maxi Music Parade )


This year’s edition ( the eight consecutive yearly event being held in the area ) comes with some limitations with regards to the actual site where the party shall take place, we will no longer “occupy” in its entirety the village with a dozen different sound systems, instead a large flat grassy field, Parco dei Tigli, with a unique DJ boot and system will be operating at the feet of Montelaterone,  Monte Amiata, Grosseto.

Maxi Music Parade is no more, things do change with time and often they do get better…so you’re all invited to this free electronic dance music event on Sunday August the 13th 2017, Karontek Soundsystem shall be hosting an array of DJ’s ‘, amongst with our own, with differente backgrounds and takes on the art of having a good time in a open air, friendly environment.

Visit the FB event for more updates as we approach the actual date for the event here


this way —-> to the raw recording performance by Royston Blake, let the bass kick !!






N.A.T.O. ( no more )

NO N.A.T.O. con vista
NO N.A.T.O. con vista

La finestra
La finestra

Rompere la rete....
Rompere la rete….

Il ruscello ( Finale Ligure )
Il ruscello ( Finale Ligure )

Il mio bagno

Rompere la rete (2)
Rompere la rete (2)

Gatto nero

This is a video and picture report on an extraordinary event we took part in which happened in West Northern Italy at the beginning of June 2017. The sound on the video clips is by DUB TOWN SOUNDSYSTEM.

Riprese e immagini by GLS

Pasqua Tek Italia Centro 2017

pasqua TEK 2017 Italia centro


Listen to the live mix HERE

live plovers image MixDJ.jpg

Techno o Tekno? Per capirci, segui il LINK

‘Nuff Said :: F.R.E.E. P.A.R.T.Y. ::


Alternatively ring up Roy 3281544997 and get all the  location details

Grosseto area

LISTEN to ROYSTON BLAKE live @ the event held last night…exclusively now on

VIEW some of the scanned moments of the night F R E E P A R T Y dub town sound system TECHNOTERRA and the rest live event December 2016

TT goes TEK on mix dj and live free party mix 2016.jpg